Early Abortion Methods: Suction Abortion and Recovery

The Doctor Listens to the Patient

Сuction abortion, also recognized as manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), is a minimally invasive procedure provided by Eastside Gynecology for pregnancies within the 5 to 9 weeks range. Utilizing a handheld vacuum for gentle suction, this method ensures a swift process lasting approximately 5 minutes. Importantly, the procedure excludes electronic machinery, prioritizing patient comfort.

Anesthesia Options for Suction Abortion

Patients are presented with the choice of either local anesthesia within the exam room or general anesthesia in the operating room during suction abortion. General anesthesia induces complete sedation, keeping patients asleep throughout the procedure. 

On the other hand, local anesthesia involves numbing the cervix, leading to discomfort comparable to menstrual cramps. The selection between these options hinges on individual preferences and medical considerations.

Recovery and Aftercare: What to Expect at Home

Post-surgery, emphasizing rest is pivotal, with sufficient sleep aiding the recovery process. Most women can resume regular activities within 1 to 2 days, experiencing minimal follow-up or recovery time. It is advisable for patients to consult their healthcare providers regarding the resumption of vigorous exercise.

Dietary Recommendations Post-Surgery

Encouraging patients to maintain their regular diet post-suction abortion is a standard practice. For those encountering upset stomachs, opting for bland, low-fat foods like white rice, grilled chicken, toast, and yogurt can effectively alleviate discomfort.

Medications and Follow-up Instructions

Healthcare providers offer specific guidance on resuming medications after surgery. In instances where antibiotics are prescribed, completing the entire course is imperative, irrespective of symptom improvement. Patients on blood thinners should engage with their healthcare providers to determine the appropriate timing for resuming these medications.

Returning to Normal Activities

Post-surgery, the majority of women can swiftly return to regular activities. Healthcare providers play a crucial role in advising on the suitable time frame for resuming vigorous exercises.

Early Abortion Methods: Exploring Patient Choices

Empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, Eastside Gynecology specializes in providing comprehensive information and personalized care, particularly in the realm of early abortion methods.

The Role of Compassionate Care

At Eastside Gynecology, our commitment transcends medical procedures. We prioritize providing compassionate care, ensuring that patients feel emotionally and physically supported throughout their abortion experience. 

Our team acknowledges the sensitivity of these situations, dedicating ourselves to fostering a safe and understanding environment.

Patient-Centric Approach

Eastside Gynecology adopts a patient-centric approach beyond early abortion methods. Through open communication, addressing concerns, and involving patients in decision-making, our collaborative approach enables individuals to make choices aligned with their values and health needs.


Eastside Gynecology stands as a paragon of comprehensive care and unwavering support for individuals navigating early abortion methods. Our commitment to patient well-being extends beyond medical procedures, embracing compassionate care that acknowledges the emotional and physical nuances of each individual’s reproductive health. 

The patient-centric approach ensures open communication, collaborative decision-making, and a safe space for addressing concerns. Your reproductive health journey is unique, and our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way.